Giving a try instead of running things myself using Hugo to try and reduce friction for posting. Still working on updating the theme, but the old posts are in place (for the most part).

Davidized on Jekyll

I’ve moved Davidized off of WordPress and onto Jekyll. I’m working on a write up of how I did it, hopefully I’ll get it finished and edited tomorrow.

Davidized is Back

Over the past few months I’ve given a lot of consideration to bringing back my blog, but I have had a hard time deciding what exactly I want to do. I’ve read a lot about the IndieWeb movement, and it makes a lot of sense to me. However, I haven’t been able to decide on a tool to use to power Davidized and embrace IndieWeb concepts.

In the past Davidized has run on WordPress (and is back to running on WordPress again), but some of the implementations of IndieWeb concepts for WordPress are either incomplete, don’t work the way I’d like them to, or missing entirely. As a result I looked through a lot of other possibilities, including static site generators like Jekyll, and Known but nothing felt as good to me as good ol' WordPress. As a result I’ve installed a fresh WordPress instance, added a few of the existing IndieWeb plugins, started working on a few plugins of my own, and have gotten the site back up and running.

My primary motivation for getting things up and running again is because I’ve learned an awful lot in my new job as STEM Learning Specialist for Rochester Public Schools Community Education and want to share some of those things with others. Additionally, I’ve also been working on some cool projects lately that I want to share – a new 3D Printer, model rocket projects, and some web projects I have ideas for.

I’m not going to commit to any regular posting schedule (because I know that I will not follow through with it), but I’m going to try to make an effort to post and share things here instead of bookmarking them for myself or make notes in a notebook that nobody else will ever see.